how to have a healthy summer

How to be Healthy during the summer

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So summer time is a great time to work on your health for you and your family. Even though your health is always important there are different things you can be doing in the summer than you would be doing in the Fall or Winter.  So here are some ways to  take care of you this summer. It’s important to remember different things in the summer though when it comes to your health.

1. First drink your water, in the hotter months you should be aiming to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. So say you weigh 160 pounds you should aim to drink 80 ounces of water. Now I’m not a great water drinker but I know that I look and feel better if I do drink more water. I do add crystal light sometimes for extra flavor and minimal calories.

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2. Salads are a great way to eat healthy meals in the summer and also not heat up your house with the oven as often. Here is a great selection of salads. Or do a search on Pinterest for salads and a million come up.

3. Also you have so many options when it comes to fruit. Make fruit salads, eat as a snack. I love fruit more than vegetables so I love summer fruit season.

4. With warmer weather you and your family can get out and be more active. Go swimming, go the beach, the lake, etc. If you don’t have a way to swim near by you can try out these fun water ideas. Remember to stay more hydrated if you are more active in the heat.

5. Remember though that more sun exposure can lead to sunburn and skin damage. Be careful and  do some research about protecting your skin and the skin of your family.

Let’s all have fun this summer, be healthy and take care of our families.

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