fun stress relieving activities

30 Simple stress relief activities

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Are you looking for some simple stress relief activities

How are you doing this year? I know many of us are struggling through 2020. Myself included. We are thrown into this new world where we are home more. Where we may feel the financial burden and stress of a struggling economy. Where our kids may either be going to school and that worries us or they may be doing school at home which has its stresses as well.

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I’m going to try to include as many activities to do to relieve stress as I can because we all have different levels of stress and different things that will help us to relax and feel better. So check out these stress relief activities.

The best stress relief activities

1 Read a good book

When I am stressed there is no better solution for me than to read a book. I love reading and it really helps to calm me down. The good news is that there are lots of books to give a try. Here are a few recent book recommendations from me.

2 Take a walk

When you are feeling stressed and anxious it really helps to move your body. So take 20 minutes and go on a walk outside or hop on the treadmill and move a little. This will have a big impact on your stress levels.

3 paint your nails

If you are feeling stressed it could be a sign you need some self-care and to pamper yourself a little more. So give yourself a manicure or pedicure. Spend a little time taking care of you to help improve your mood.

4 Watch a funny show

I can’t remember where I saw it but I read that people with anxiety like to rewatch shows to relax because it’s comforting to know what is going to happen next. That is so true for me, I have several funny shows that I like to rewatch and binge, especially in times of stress and anxiety. There are my favorite funny shows to watch.

5 Call a friend or family member

If you are really struggling with anxiety or stress you may just need a little support from someone you care about. So pick up your phone and give a family member or friend a phone call. Whether you just need to vent or need some encouragement that phone call can help you out.

6 Try light therapy

This is something that I learned about this year from my doctor and it has helped me with my stress this year. I have this light therapy lamp set up in my living room and sit in front of it every morning to get some light. I didn’t think it would work but it has been helpful. So if you are struggling with stress and anxiety I really recommend trying one out.

7 Take a drive

This is something we’ve been doing a lot since quarantine started. Since I work from home I was spending way too much time at home but didn’t really want to be around people. So my husband and I have been taking drives to different areas around our city and nearby.

It’s nice to get out of the house and see new areas plus the car is a great place for us to have conversations by ourselves.

8 Listen to Music

Have a favorite song or album you like listening to? Listen to it while you’re driving, or when you’re at home. Let your body feel the song and help you relax and destress.

9 Take a bath

If you are feeling anxious or stressed soak your stress and anxiety away in warm water. A soothing bath will boost your blood flow and enhance your energy level as well.

10 Meditate

Meditations don’t have to be a 30-minute session. Schedule 10 minutes a day to sit down with your thoughts and see how it feels.

If you’ve never meditated before, here is a meditation guide for beginners. Stick to it for a few days and you may see the clarity it brings to your mind.

11 Do some journaling

There’s something therapeutic about writing your problems down.  Doing so makes them seem a lesser burden.  So take 30 minutes or an hour and write down your feelings and thoughts

12 Play with your pet

It’s been proven that spending time with your pets has a calming effect on people.  I know that when I’m feeling stressed spending time with my dog or cats really improves my mood and lowers my stress.

One of the best parts of the year and the only thing that has been fun was us getting this little cutie in July

13 Take a Break from Social Media

The internet and social media in particular are wonderful and I spend a lot of my time online and using the internet. Especially a blogger I am constantly online and even in my free time I find myself on social media and watching Netflix.

I have found it helpful though to take breaks and unplug from time to time. Maybe just for a few hours. Sometimes it’s for a day or two. Or just to significantly cut down my time with being plugged in. I get done projects around the house I’ve been putting off, read a book, spend time with people. Just take a little break from the online world.

Sometimes social media can really bring you down with the negativity and comparing yourself to others. As much as I love it sometimes it’s good for us to step back and just be in our real life for a little bit

14 Take a nap

Sometimes our moods are affected because we didn’t sleep well the night before. So if that is your problem one day and it’s affecting your mood. Give yourself permission to take a nap.

15 Try a new hobby

Having a hobby can give you so many benefits that you might not have thought of. It will give you something to look forward to doing especially on those down days or when things are tough. It will make you feel better to focus on a new hobby. It is one of the best stress relief activities to try.

Check out 17 hobbies you should try

16 Listen to a Podcast

Find a podcast or audiobook you enjoy and listen to it in bed to relax your mind before you go to sleep. This can help your mind focus on something else instead of dwelling on stress

17 Try coloring in a coloring book

There is a reason why adult coloring books have become so popular. It can be very relaxing to color and it probably has been a long time since you did so. I have a couple of coloring books and find them very helpful and soothing.

18 Do Yoga

Yoga is another good option for stress relief activities. Yoga is a proven way to reduce stress and ensure a good work-life balance.
The physical exercises ( asanas ) are not primarily about physical fitness, but about self-control and serenity.

19 Ask for help. 

Everyone needs a little bit of extra help sometimes. Trying to cope with everything on your own just exacerbates stress. Whether you open up to a trusted friend or family member getting some help and support will help you lower your stress a lot.

20 Use a face Mask

Do a little pampering and help yourself relax with a face mask. Put it on and let yourself relax as it works.

21 Spend time in the Kitchen

Try out a new meal and cook something new for yourself or your family.

A lot of people prefer baking over cooking when it comes to relaxation. The smell of baked goods makes you feel even better!

So, pick up a new recipe and start cooking or baking

Do you know what is another benefit of cooking? When you cook, you have complete control of what goes into each meal (from salt to ingredients) which makes the meal healthier.

A healthy meal is the beginning point to feeling relaxed and stress-free.

22 Declutter an area of your home

If you have been to my blog before you know that I love decluttering and if you are feeling extra stressed you may have too much clutter around. A cluttered home can lead to stress and anxiety. So start decluttering some stuff today. Here is a great list of what to declutter.

23 Enjoy a cup of tea

Too wired to fall asleep? Pour a cup of green tea. In one study, green tea drinkers slept better and felt less stressed.Trusted SourceTrusted Source

Chamomile and mint teas are especially calming. Most herbal tea is naturally free of caffeine, but for other types of tea, watch the caffeine content of your brew. Too much of this jitters-inducing chemical could have the opposite effect and keep you awake.

24 Do some deep breathing

You might be wondering how to relax your mind. It’s all about deep breathing. Concentrate on relaxing your body from your head to your toes as you inhale and exhale. This will increase the supply of oxygen to your brain and lead you into a state of calm.

25 spend some time outdoors

Making sure you get outside to soak up a few rays of sunshine is essential to your overall health, especially in winter.  

You’re going to want to have at least 20 minutes of sunshine several times a week, according to experts.

26 Prioritize your sleep

Getting enough sleep has such a major impact on your health and well being. How many hours you need will depend on your body and mind and what you function best at. On average adults need 7 to 9 hours. So try to aim to get to bed at a decent time and get enough sleep each night. This is one of the best activities to do to relieve stress and improve your overall health and well being.

27 Buy yourself a scented candle or an oil diffuser for your home.

Let the aroma of your room relax you while you read a book or even watch a bit of television

28 Practice some gratitude

I’m a big believer in gratitude. I think making time for gratitude improves your life and helps relieve stress by reminding you of the good things in your life.

29 Get a Massage

A good massage can not only help you relax but also help reduce anxiety, digestive disorders, headaches, sleep issues, and joint pains. You can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your partner to give you a full body massage. Remember to return the favor!

30 Eat something healthy

Getting the right nutrition will help fight off stress before it begins. So make time to plan out healthy snacks and meals.

I hope you will give a few of these stress relief activities a try. If you need a little stress relief these should really help.

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